Sunday, February 07, 2010

Snow Days

Time is flying by since the holidays were here. Oliver started a new daycare in January and is loving it. Lot's of kids to play with and it sounds like he's making some buddies (mostly girls). We've had several snow storms with school/work closures so we've taken Ollie out sledding a couple of times. He seems to like going down the hill fast the best. What a surprise huh?
90 days left until the due date of our new little man. He seems to be growing right along to schedule. I gained a TON of weight over the holidays but that made up for what I didn't gain in the beginning. I think I might have had a few too many Christmas cookies back in Michigan. :)
The month of March has big things happening! Oliver turns 2, grandma and grandpa Hanna are coming for a visit and I get to travel to LA/Santa Barbara for my high school friend Chelsea's wedding. We've also got spring break and my big 36 shoved in there as well. It will be a busy month but lot's of fun so that we can settle in during April and get ready for the baby to come. We haven't decided on any names yet for those of you who are wondering!


Ryan and Amber said...

Looks like fun! I'm glad you guys are all doing well.

Elysha said...

How fun. We sure miss seeing you guys. Are you going to do a Bradley birth again?